Year: 2022
Role: UX Designer / Researcher
For: Google UX Coursera Certification
Technology Used: Miro, Numerous Stock Photo Websites, Happy Hues, GlooMaps, Google Jamboard, Adobe Xd and Creative Cloud
Project Goal and Problem: Design A Responsive Web And Mobile App For Users Who Want To Change Careers And Need The Knowledge To Do So.

Target Market / User Problem
The target market for this project is young adult and middle aged professionals who were interested in changing their careers after feeling moved to change their lives during the pandemic and Great Resignation. They are busy and in a rush to find information on new careers and industries.

Challenges and Pain Points
This was the largest user experience project I had ever worked on. I had to design a product that was full of content for mobile, tablet, and desktop without making it see overwhelming for the user.
Trying to figure out what the user wanted while comparing competitive sites during the competitive analysis was interesting. The competitors sites made some of the information hard to sift through. The users wanted a more pared down site that was easy to read and get information from on fly during their busy schedules.
The Initial Design

I used Crazy 8s to brainstorm several ideas for the different pages of the responsive web app. Then I created some wireframes for the mobile app first.

User Testing
During the user testing phase, I tested users to see if they could navigate intuitively through the app. Because the users wanted to have their information in bite sized chunks that they can read quickly while on a work break or after work, I had to make sure that the information was easy to find quickly as well.
After the mobile app was designed, I had to design a few pages in tablet and desktop sizes. Certain areas of the app were moved around and expanded to accommodate for the new screen sizes.
Final Designs and Conclusion

While this project was completed for my portfolio and the Google course, but I would like to update some of the user interface choices to be in line with current design trends and the Material Design design system. I also want to update some of the desktop pages.
Thank you for checking out my case study and portfolio. You can also see the full slide deck presentation here. Contact me at or on LinkedIn.