Things Have Changed For Me

The holiday season was not fun. I spent the holiday season trying to make magic happen, but my cousin died on Christmas Eve. Then I caught the flu on New Years Day. Things have not been going as planned, but they haven’t been going as planned for years. I started a therapy program, and told…… Continue reading Things Have Changed For Me

Moment of Honesty: Socializing in 2023 is hard.

Moment of Honesty Here: I just moved back to my hometown, and I’m finding it hard to socialize.  Like my social battery is low. I know it is partly because of all the stuff I have been through in recent years. The move was exhausting,  Outside just isn’t the same outside anymore,  and I still…… Continue reading Moment of Honesty: Socializing in 2023 is hard.

2023 Life Update

Hello my name is Jai-Shirelle Marshall. I am the owner of this blog and portfolio. I haven’t been writing on here like I should because life has been lifing. Here is a 2023 life update. Hopefully I will have more to write later. I need to figure out how I will restructure this blog if…… Continue reading 2023 Life Update

Sign Up To Grab My Free Self Care Deck

Today I’m launching my Self Care Deck for FREE! All you have to do is sign up here and download the deck. I am giving this to everyone free because we are in a time of monumental change that is bringing on stress and trauma. This deck is for anyone new to self care or…… Continue reading Sign Up To Grab My Free Self Care Deck

Reviewing Speak Those Things by Chelsea Coffey of The Coffey Break

This blog post is long overdue. I reviewed the book Speak Those Things by Chelsea Coffey a long while ago, and I am just getting caught up on blog posts…so here it is. This book really has been one of the best $14 I’ve spent. If you check the video below, which you can also…… Continue reading Reviewing Speak Those Things by Chelsea Coffey of The Coffey Break

Welcome To My Blog!

Hello everyone! It’s me, Jai-Shirelle. You probably remember my fashion blog The Fat and Skinny on Fashion or maybe you don’t. Either way I am starting a new blog. This blog will be more personal. That is is why it is called Jai-Shirelle. It will be about my journey into tech from fashion, and some…… Continue reading Welcome To My Blog!